Investing in the Schoodic Community SCF Governance The SCF is governed by a 10-15 member, self-perpetuating and uncompensated Advisory Committee, drawn from volunteers in the Schoodic Community. The Advisory Committee should generally consist of representatives from all the villages and Towns. Terms of office are three years, renewable for a maximum of two more terms. (Total: 9 years.) The Advisory Committee works with the Maine Community Foundation, which has fiduciary responsibility for SCF, to manage and invest SCF funds in the best interest of the community. The SCF Advisory Committee meets at least once a year. Schoodic Community Fund Advisors, 2022-2023 Roger Bowen, Chair Roberta Parritt, Treasurer Mark Berry Susan Bruce Dolora Conley Mary Dyer Tim Fisher Marian Ide Sarah Joy Roxanne Renwick Susan Towle Paul Tracy Leonard Young