Investing in the Schoodic Community Made with Xara How Does the SCF Work? The SCF began with a small number of donors/organizers who have made five-year annual pledges to jump-start the process. In the Fall of 2010 the Fund began distributing grants for small projects. We expect that as word of the success of the projects gets around, permanent and seasonal residents will step forward and donate to the Fund. Success builds on success and success is a mighty educator. The SCF solicits funding for its endowment from the public, private foundations, corporations and government entities; and awards grants annually or semi-annually in a competitive process in total value equivalent to 4% of the sum total of the endowment. The SCF may accept bequests, gifts, grants, and gifts-in-kind. All gifts are deposited directly into the endowment. All gifts to the SCF are tax deductible. All gifts are made to the Maine Community Foundation, in the name of the SCF.